In humans, there are two rows of teeth which appear at different life periods. Baby teeth (or milk or deciduous or primary teeth) emerge from the 6th month to the 3rd year of age. The care of baby teeth is very important and is wrongly underestimated by parents who often have the impression that "because they will be replaced they don't need care". Healthy baby teeth ensure normal chewing of food and help with the correct pronunciation of words. Additionally, they participate in the normal development of the mouth and face and in the healthy growth and eruption of permanent teeth.

Child Teeth
Primary teeth and the development of permanent teeth

Permanent teeth emerge from almost 6 years of age up to 13 years. An exception is the third molars (wisdom teeth) that emerge after the age of 17. The 3rd molars may appear in the oral cavity at an older age or may never erupt. The primary dentition consists of 10 teeth while the permanent dentition consists of 32 teeth. For a period of approximately 6 years (from 6 to 12-13 years old) primary and permanent teeth coexist in the oral cavity. Depending on their shape and function, teeth are divided into incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

Temporary and permanent teeth

Teeth Characteristics:
Each tooth consists of the crown, the root and the pulp cavity. There are teeth with one root (front teeth) and teeth with 2 or 3 roots (back teeth).

Dental anatomy
Dental Anatomy

The crown is the part of the tooth that is visible inside the mouth. The root (or roots) is the part of the tooth that is inside the bone. The pulp cavity is located inside the tooth and contains the pulp. Inside the pulp are the vessels and nerves of the tooth. The pulp is surrounded by dentin. The dentin at the crown of the tooth is surrounded by enamel which is the hardest substance in the human body. At the root, dentin is surrounded by cementum through which the tooth is attached to the bone.

Prevention is a necessary ingredient for a nice and attractive smile and the general aesthetics of the face. The need for healthy teeth is directly related to our effort for a quality life.