Other oral hygiene aids besides the toothbrush and dental floss can also be used on an individual level and after the dentist's instructions. Such are interdental brushes and mouthwash solutions.

Interdental brushes are used after brushing and before rinsing off the toothpaste foam. They are placed between the teeth when there is space or under intermediate teeth in bridges.

Interdental brushes

Use of interdental brushes



Mouthwashes containing fluoride are intended to provide additional protection against tooth decay. The dentist can inform you about their necessity and usefulness.

Chlorhexidine is the most effective chemical to control or fight dental plaque. It is available in oral solution mouthwashes or gel form. Long-term use may cause staining of teeth and white fillings or slightly affect taste. For this reason, it is used after the dentist's instructions in conditions that require absolute control of dental plaque (e.g. post-surgery or during the treatment phase of periodontal disease) and for a period of approximately 2 weeks or as instructed.