Dental plaque removal is important for the prevention of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Brushing and flossing are the only ways to remove plaque. Everyone should be trained in correct teeth brushing from an early age as brushing is the most important method of controlling dental plaque which is responsible for the most important and frequent diseases of the mouth (caries and periodontal disease).
The most effective method of brushing is the following:
We place the toothbrush at the base of the tooth (at the gum line of the tooth) obliquely at an angle of about 45 degrees. We press it slightly so that its hairs enter the small gap that exists between the tooth and the gum (gingival crevicle).
45-degree angle |
By making very small horizontal vibration movements (without moving the toothbrush from its position) we detach the dental plaque from the areas that accumulate at the border of the gums.
Then we remove the plaque by dragging the toothbrush from the gums to the edge of the teeth.
We start from the outer surfaces of the teeth and then brush the inner surface in the same way.
External surfaces
Internal surfaces
To clean the inner surfaces of the front teeth of the upper and lower jaw, we place the toothbrush vertically and perform the movements described above.
Front teeth |
Finally, we brush the chewing surfaces with reciprocating movements of the brush back and forth.
Occlusal surfaces |
It is better to always start brushing from the same point and proceed successively to the other areas of the mouth. This way, we are sure we never leave any area unbrushed.
Once carefully brushed with this method and using the correct brush as mentioned below, dental plaque is effectively removed. Improper brushing can cause damage (injury or receding gums resulting in exposure of tooth roots and sensitivity to thermal stimuli).
It is recommended to use a toothbrush with a small head of soft bristles. It has not been proven that an electric toothbrush is more effective than a manual one. The toothbrush should be changed when the bristles become curved and the shape of the head of the toothbrush changes even slightly.
To check the effectiveness of dental plaque removal, there are special pastes that color and reveal dental plaque so that it becomes visible. In this way, they help to improve the brushing technique making it more effective.
Suitable toothpastes are those that contain fluoride in a sufficient concentration (1400ppm). This is the first thing we should look for in the packaging when choosing a toothpaste.
Brushing frequency:
Ideally after every meal morning, noon, evening. A satisfactory oral hygiene program includes brushing in the morning after breakfast and immediately before bedtime. The most important brushing is always the one before sleep because when we sleep the amount of saliva in the mouth decreases. Saliva has anti-cariogenic properties and the reduction of its quantity in the mouth should be compensated by a good brushing before sleep.